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Why good content is the cornerstone in building customer relationships

Written by Lily | Aug 19, 2022 12:54:06 PM


Content is the cornerstone of customer relationships. How so? Good content is what creates trust and gives your customers an idea of who you are and what to expect when working with you or buying from your company.

Good content matters, but it's a luxury to many

Content isn't always the priority for businesses—they're focused on generating sales and keeping customers happy. 

The biggest challenge is that content creation is expensive: the average cost of writing 1500 words of quality content is from $250 - $399 to $750! It costs to create good quality content, which means it can be overlooked by businesses looking to invest more in sales - because to many businesses content it's not as powerful as a sale. 

But sales are important, right? Yes, they are. But they're not always the only thing that matters. In fact, when you stop to think about it, content is a way to build trust and relationships with your customers. 

Creating content is time-consuming and expensive

If you want to create content that’s good enough to stand out in the crowd, it takes time and money. You need to pay for your writers or editors, for research materials, for design work—and all of this takes time.

The best way to get around this problem? Do as much of the work yourself as possible. Or hire external professionals who have the team at the ready. Instead of spending time, money, and resources, you outsource the service to someone with the team and expertise to get cracking immediately!

Good content attracts people and makes you more credible

Bad content can be a turn-off, or even confusing or inaccurate. Nothing says ‘not the company you’re looking for’ like vague, boring, and irrelevant content. You see, when someone is looking to buy from you for the first time (or even for the first couple of times), all they know about you is what's on your website or sales page and what's on your social media accounts. 

They're trying to make an informed buying decision based on these limited resources. And that's where well-written content comes in! Your blog posts and other articles will help potential clients understand more about who you are and why they should do business with you over another company, which makes them more likely to buy from you again (and again).

Good content is well organized. This means that it's easy to navigate through your site and find what you're looking for quickly! This also creates a positive user experience, which leads to increased traffic and conversions (more sales).

Good content has specific calls-to-action, so visitors know where your business wants them to go next; whether it's making an appointment with your specialist or downloading a free resource.

The cornerstone of customer relationships is not just about good sales and leads, but also about building trust, credibility, and reputation. When you put great time and effort into the quality of your content, it helps you attract the right people to your business. And when someone trusts you, they’ll be more likely to buy from your business or recommend it to others.

Content can be used to help build trust, credibility, and make better decisions

When you create content that’s relevant to your audience, they will start seeing you as an expert in your field. This is the first step in building trust. If someone trusts you and sees how helpful you are then they are more likely to buy from you.

Another way content helps build trust is by giving people an idea of what to expect when interacting with your business. Customers like knowing what they’re getting into before committing their time or money so that there aren’t any surprises later on down the line when things aren’t going according to plan (which happens way too often).

The customer journey begins with content

When a customer searches for answers to their questions online, this is where you can show up as an expert with valuable information on exactly what they're looking for. They may not know that they have a question, but it's likely they'll be looking for something in the form of "how," "what," or "where." They might even start by typing in your company name and then using the search bar to figure out what comes next.

When you do this right, you'll be able to demonstrate your expertise and earn their trust—which will make them more willing to buy from you later on down in your funnel.

🙌Content is the cornerstone of customer relationships because it helps buyers make informed decisions.

Good content creates trust and credibility by helping buyers to learn about a brand, product, or service through clear writing, helpful images, and videos. Content can also be used to create an emotional connection between the reader and your brand by demonstrating empathy with them or sharing personal stories related to your business.


I know that it can be hard to invest time and money into good content that will benefit your customers in the long run. However, if you want to build strong relationships with them, then it’s essential that you make this investment. The key takeaway here is that content isn’t just about sales—it’s about building trust and credibility with potential buyers so they feel comfortable buying from you when they need something.